Larger sCMOS sensor cameras
– setting new standards in imaging
– setting new standards in imaging

Unique approach to Hyperspectral imaging
integrated at micro wafer-level
Miniaturization and portability
for a plethora of applications
integrated at micro wafer-level
Miniaturization and portability
for a plethora of applications

Models sensitive in UV wavelength
Soft X-ray quantum efficiency up to 99%
Exceptional temperature stability
Variety of vacuum flange formats
Soft X-ray quantum efficiency up to 99%
Exceptional temperature stability
Variety of vacuum flange formats

High speed industrial cameras
Streaming of data in realtime
DMA - Direct memory access
Full speed potential of fast sensors
Streaming of data in realtime
DMA - Direct memory access
Full speed potential of fast sensors
Camera series

xiX - Embedded multi camera platform

xiMU - Smallest USB cameras

xiX-Xtreme - Top performance cameras

xiB-64 - High speed cameras

xiJ - sCMOS scientific cameras

MX377 - Large sensor format cameras

xiX-XL - High resolution cameras

xiRay - Cooled X-ray imaging cameras

xiSpec - Small hyperspectral cameras
Headquarters in Germany - XIMEA GmbH
Am Mittelhafen 16, 48155 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 251 202 408 0
Fax: +49 (0) 251 202 408 99
You can use this contact for Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania related inquiries
If you plan to visit click here
Sales subsidiary in USA - XIMEA Corp
12600 W Colfax Ave., Suite A-130, 80215 Lakewood, CO, USA
Phone: +1 (303) 389 983 8
Fax: +1 (303) 202 635 0
You can use this contact for North and South America related inquiries
If you plan to visit click here
Technical campus in Slovakia - XIMEA s.r.o.
Lesna 52, 90033 Marianka, Slovakia
Phone: +421 (2) 205 104 26
Fax: +421 (2) 205 104 27
You can use this contact for inquiries related to manufacturing and supply chain
If you plan to visit click here

High performance BSI sensors, high speed PCIe interfaces and many more exciting camera innovations. Find us at booth #3674.
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Product news
XIMEA explores quantum efficiency in the UV wavelength range with its latest scientific camera
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Product news
New 2K, 4K and 5K camera models reach remarkable speeds utilizing the fast Gpixel sensors
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Product news
XIMEA introduces new cameras with IMX568, IMX675 and other sensors into the popular xiMU
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Product news
XIMEA releases sCMOS scientific grade camera models with Gpixel GSENSE400 BSI Pulsar
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Product news
XIMEA introduces camera prototypes with IMX426, IMX425, IMX421, IMX420 for evaluation
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Product news
Camera models with 4th generation of Sony Pregius S sensors like IMX530, IMX531, IMX532
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Product news
Camera models with CMOS BSI Medium format sensors like IMX411, IMX461 and IMX455
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Product news
XIMEA announces X-ray camera substitutes for discontinued KAI sensors with large Field of view
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Product news
XIMEA releases sCMOS Scientific grade camera models with cooled and high-speed versions
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